David Salas Videla
Associate Professor
Instituto de Ciencias de la Ingeniería
Universidad de O'Higgins
Currículum Vitae (Last update: 10/2024)
ResearchGate - Google Scholar - MathSciNet
Secondary Positions
Associate Researcher
Center of Mathematical Modeling CNRS IRL 2807, Universidad de Chile.
- PhD in Applied Mathematics and Modeling, Université de Montpellier
- Mathematical Engineering degree, Universidad de Chile
- BS in Methematical Engineering, Universidad de Chile
About me
I am a mathematician interested in both, theoretical aspects of mathematics and applications. I received my PhD in 2016 at Université de Montpellier, under the supervision of Lionel Thibault. Afterward, in 2017-2018, I was a post-doctorate at PROMES Laboratory of CNRS (Perpignan, France), which is one of the main research centers on solar energy of the country. During that time, I worked under the supervision of Didier Aussel. After a short period of post-doctoral fellowship at CMM under the supervision of Aris Daniilidis, I finally arrived at Universidad de O'Higgins in 2020, where I work as researcher and full-time professor.
My current research revolves around optimization, game theory and variational analysis. I love to teach at all levels (bachelor, master, graduate) and to work with young motivated researchers. At the university, I am involved in different projects and activities, such as the Academic Induction Program (PIA) for new students, the Academic Council of the University, the development of courses in optimization and game theory for the Engineering school, and the study of water management in agriculture at O'Higgins Region, to name a few.
I am always open to collaborate and to get into new subjects and interesting questions. I consider myself to be a committed researcher and professor. You can always contact me and for sure I will have time to talk over a coffee.
Selected Papers
Descent modulus and applications.
A. Daniilidis, L. Miclo and D. Salas.
Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 287, nº 11, pp. 110626, 2024.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jfa.2024.110626 -
Exploiting the polyhedral geometry of stochastic linear bilevel programming.
G. Muñoz, D. Salas and A. Svensson.
Mathematical Programming - Series B, pp. 1-36, 2024.
DOI: 10.1007/s10107-024-02097-w - Acepted version: arXiv:2211.02268
Existence of solutions for deterministic bilevel games under a general Bayesian approach.
D. Salas and A. Svensson.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 33, no 3, pp. 2311--2340, 2023.
DOI: 10.1137/21M1442164 - Accepted version: arXiv:2010.05368v5 -
A determination theorem in terms of the metric slope.
A. Daniilidis and D. Salas.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 150, no10, pp. 4325--4333, 2022.
DOI: 10.1090/proc/15958 - Accepted version: arXiv:2109.13721 -
Determination of convex functions via subgradients of minimal norm.
P. Pérez-Aros, D. Salas and E. Vilches.
Mathematical Programming - Series A, Vol. 190, no 1, pp. 561--583, 2021.
DOI:10.1007/s10107-020-01550-w -
Pre-scenarios as economic evaluation technique for thermo-chemical storage in solar plants.
D. Salas, E. Tapachès, M. Mazet and D. Aussel.
Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 174, pp. 932--954, 2018.