Upcoming events
Conference in Emerging Technologies in Transportation Systems (TRC-30)
September 2nd - September 4th, 2024. Crete, Greece.
https://trc-30.epfl.ch/ -
CLABES: XIII Congreso Latinoamericano sobre Abandono en Educación Superior
October 23th - October 25th, 2024. Heredia, Costa Rica.
https://eventos.una.ac.cr/111724/detail/clabes-xiii-congreso-latinoamericano-sobre-abandono-en-educacion-superior.html -
4th International Conference on Variational Analysis and Optimization
In honour of Professor Marco Antonio López Cerdá.
January 14th - January 17th, 2025. Santiago, Chile.
Past events
VAME 2024: 3rd Workshop on Variational Analysis and Applications for Modeling of Energy Exchange
May 13th - May 14th, 2024. Trier, Germany.
https://alop.uni-trier.de/event/variational-analysis-and-applications-for-modelling-of-energy-exchange-vame-2024/ -
IWOBIP 2024: 3rd International Workshop in Bilevel Programming
January 22th - January 26th, 2024. Rancagua & Santa Cruz, Chile.
https://iwobip2024.cl/28/en/inicio -
3rd International Conference on Variational Analysis and Optimization
In honour of Professor Professor Boris S. Mordukhovich.
January 16th - January 19th, 2024. Santiago, Chile.
ISORA 2023: XV International Seminar on Optimization and Related Areas 2023
In honour of Professor Juan-Enrique Martínez-Legaz in his 70th birthday.
October 2nd - October 6th, 2023. Arequipa, Peru.
http://isora2023.imca.edu.pe -
VAO 2023: International Workshop Variational Analysis and Optimization 2023
September 14th - September 15th, 2023. Messina, Italy.
https://sites.google.com/unibs.it/vao2023/home-page?authuser=0 -
COMCA 2023: XXXI Congreso de Matemática Capricornio 2023
August 2nd - August 4th, 2023. Antofagasta, Chile.
https://comca2023.ucn.cl/ -
IFORS 2023:The 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies.
July 10th - July 14th, 2023. Santiago, Chile.
https://ifors2023.com/ -
NAVAL 2023: Nonsmooth And Variational Analysis Conference.
In honour of Professor Lionel THIBAULT.
June 26th - June 28th, 2023. Djon, France.
http://jourani.perso.math.cnrs.fr/Colloque_Thibault/index.html -
IPCO 2023: The 24th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization.
June 21th - June 23th, 2023. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
https://optimization.discovery.wisc.edu/ipco-2023-madison/ -
EMIC 2023: Encuentro Latinoamericano de estudiantes de Modelamiento, Ingeniería y Ciencias.
May 29th - May 31th, 2023. Santiago, Chile.
https://eventos.cmm.uchile.cl/emic2023/ -
JMZS 2023: XXXV Jornada de Matemática de la Zona Sur.
April 19th - April 21th, 2023. Concepción, Chile.
https://www.jmzs.cl/2023/ -
LAWOC 2022: Latin American Workshop on Optimization and Control.
January 16th - January 20th, 2023. Rancagua, Chile. https://www.uoh.cl/lawoc2022/
WOA 2022: Workshop en Optimización y Algoritmos.
December 19th - December 21th, 2022. Codegua, Chile. https://algopt.cl/ -
ARGO 2022: Workshop on Algebraic Real Geometry and Optimization.
August 30th - Septemper 2nd, 2022. Santiago, Chile. https://eventos.cmm.uchile.cl/argo2022/ -
JFCO 2022: 9èmes Journées Franco-Chiliennes d'Optimisation.
June 29th - July 1st, 2022. Perpignan, France. https://eventos.cmm.uchile.cl/jfco2022/ -
VAME 2022: 2nd Workshop on Variational Analysis and Applications for Modelling of Energy Exchange.
May 9th - May 10th, 2022. Brescia, Italy. https://vame2022.unibs.it/
SOMACHI 2021: LXXXIX encuentro anual de la Sociedad Matemática de Chile.
December 15th - December 17th, 2021. Rancagua, Chile. https://www.uoh.cl/somachi2021/